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XR6 Turbo

XR6 Turbo Models:

FGX XR6 Turbo
The all new 2015 FGX XR6 Turbo is the new exciting new generation of the XR6 Turbo to hit the open streets and tracks. The engine off the factory floor boasts 270kW. We have had quite a few running in and out of our workshop and are very happy with the output so far.
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FG XR6 Turbo
The FG XR6T moved ahead with a smaller, more efficient turbocharger that enabled faster spooling for off-the-mark acceleration that makes it an amazing family sports sedan and boasting an impressive 270kw.
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BA XR6 Turbo
The first of the XR6 Turbo sedans and Utes, this 240kw rocket started the reemergence of Ford as the developers of the fastest family cars in Australia
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BF XR6 Turbo
The BF series was a refinded improvement to the BA 240kw, maintaing the same power levels as the previous model.
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