Volkswagen » Golf GTI » Golf GTI
2013 - Golf Tuning
2013 - Golf Tuning
The 2013 Golf GTI made an awesome 155kw in standard form, after fitting up a Unichip Q+ and a tailored turbo back exhaust we managed to pull 185.7kw at the wheels out of this machine.
The 2013 Golf GTI made an awesome 155kw in standard form(with an intake fitted).
The 2013 Golf GTI made an awesome 155kw in standard form(with an intake fitted).
We then proceeded to install the Unichip Q+ and a tailored turbo back exhaust and custom dyno tuned it.
We were very surprised to see how much power actually came out of the GTI, producing 185.7kw at the wheels.
That's 20% more power or 35 more kw at the wheels!
Also we gained 28% more torque!
The 2013 Golf GTI made an awesome 155kw in standard form, after fitting up a Unichip Q+ and a tailored turbo back exhaust we managed to pull 185.7kw at the wheels out of this machine.
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